
  1. Tierisch klavierisch 2

    mit Download

    Karin Groß

    Tierisch klavierisch 2

    38 easy to moderately difficult piano pieces (not only) for children

    "Pianimals In Motion" is an enjoyable collection of small character pieces whose atmospheric compositions around the theme of "animals" not only stimulate the childlike imagination. Fireflies, black panthers and tipsy masters have their musical say here, but also Inspector Spürnase and even dandelions and zebra stripes cavort in animalistic-pi...
    € 18.80
    Incl. 7% Tax
  2. Wunschmelodien 2

    Anne Terzibaschitsch

    Wunschmelodien Band 2

    moderately difficult to difficult

    Children, teenage and adult pianists often want to play well-known melodies and tunes. The works come from symphonic, piano and chamber music, from opera, operetta and musicals, but also from film and light music. ...
    € 14.80
    Incl. 7% Tax
  3. Die schönsten Meisterwerke 2

    Anne Terzibaschitsch

    Die schönsten Meisterwerke 2

    moderately difficult to difficult

    These arrangements make works accessible which were originally not written for piano or whose original version is still too challenging for the player’s technique....
    € 15.80
    Incl. 7% Tax
  4. Geschichten von Jascha und Marie

    Anne Terzibaschitsch

    Geschichten von Jascha und Marie

    30 piano pieces, easy to moderately difficult

    30 character pieces for piano recount short episodes from the life of Jascha und Marie: "Jascha Goes Off To Foreign Parts" or "Marie Celebrates Her Birthday". The pianist accompanies the two of them in a waltz or in a dark forest. Notes on each of the pie....
    € 12.80
    Incl. 7% Tax
  5. Feiern unterm Weihnachtsbaum

    Anne Terzibaschitsch

    Feiern unterm Weihnachtsbaum

    Christmas fantasia

    All the songs have a prelude and are linked by means of intermezzi.
    € 14.80
    Incl. 7% Tax