Flötenausgaben von Gundel Huschka und Gudrun Bähr

  1. Flöte und Klavier

    Gundel Huschka / Gudrun Bähr

    Flöte und Klavier

    Easy pieces from different periods.

    In volume three, the flute player will discover even more notes, new musical terms and some unusual playing techniques. There’s a huge amount of music just waiting to be played in this edition....
    € 14.80
    Incl. 7% Tax
  2. Querflötenschule Band 1

    Gundel Huschka / Gudrun Bähr

    Querflötenschule Band 1

    € 19.80
    Incl. 7% Tax
  3. Querflötenschule Band 2

    Gundel Huschka / Gudrun Bähr

    Querflötenschule Band 2

    € 19.80
    Incl. 7% Tax
  4. Technik

    Gundel Huschka / Gudrun Bähr


    € 13.80
    Incl. 7% Tax
  5. Vier Flöten

    Gundel Huschka / Gudrun Bähr

    Vier Flöten

    Nachtzauber (Gustav Jenner)Concerto (Georg Philipp Telemann)Topfen der Zigeuner kaut (Zoltán Kodály)Cantate Domino (Giovanni Croce)Laudi alla Vergine Maria (Giuseppe Verdi)Caprice for Clarinets (Clare Grundman)Minnelied (Johannes Brahms)Ave Maria (Gustav Holst)...
    € 21.80
    Incl. 7% Tax
  6. Wie glänzen die Sternlein

    Gundel Huschka / Gudrun Bähr

    Wie glänzen die Sternlein

    European and South-American Christmas carols for two flutes

    This colourful collection of 32 traditional German and European Christmas carols is yet further enriched by instrumental South-American tunes. The second flute part has been given a melodic line and chords for a piano or guitar accompaniment have been included for each piece. With the words to the carols also included and the careful choice of ...
    € 12.80
    Incl. 7% Tax